We dropped the boys off at camp on Sunday afternoon. This particular one is quite a way from home, but it is smaller and Christian based, so the perks outweigh the drive. They were so excited to be going back this year! It's nice when the counsellors are the same as last year and you get to reconnect with some old friends. We always manage to have some kind of adventure on each trip to camp. This year we drove through one of the darkest storm clouds I have ever seen. Kind of eerie and we all kept watching to see if there were any funnel clouds forming - but we were all good!
We stopped in a little town on the way for a drink and potty break and found this blast from the past! Neither DH or I had seen these since we were kids! Pretty cool and still just as tasty. I made him check the date on the bottle, because I wanted to know that it wasn't an original bottle from when we were kids. Ha!
After a bit of exploring and settling in at each cabin, we left our little monkeys and started our quiet week.
Scenes of DH playing with the boys on the camp swing set. DH managed to splash T with mud as he was hopping off the swing. Seriously! 10 minutes in camp and muddy already!It was especially nice to have a birthday dinner out with DH and not have to scramble for a sitter or take the kids along. Sadly, DH wouldn't let me take any pictures of him either! :( So you'll just have to take my word for it that he's officially one year older.
Best Part of My Day: Getting to sit in my quiet craft room and work without interruption.
Worst Part of My Day: Wiping down even more of the dust left over from the room building!
Three Things I'm Grateful For:
1. My health - not perfect but not sick or sore either.
2. My home - love it even more now that we've increased the room count.
3. My friends - I don't always see all of them everyday, but I know they are around and there for me when I need a shoulder.
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