Monday, July 27, 2009

The Quiet is Over!

Well so much for the quiet week... Friday morning, bright and early (like 6:30 a.m. early!) I was helping my DD move back home. How much stuff that kid has accumulated over the years - yikes! After some serious discussion, it looks like she will be getting the new room, once the carpet gets installed. That is supposed to happen this morning, but for now, my living room looks like this -

AAAAHHHH!!!! It was also double duty weekend with the kids, so by the time I'd picked up T and V from camp, the part-timers had arrived. Can anyone be expected to function in this?? I won't even show you what 5 boys can do to one bathroom in a weekend... sheesh! Especially after they've been at camp for a week. I will give you a peek at what they brought home though. Yuck!

I did get a couple brief moments of peace eventually - sort of. Saturday morning, DD woke up late and I had to drive her to work. Once again - 6:30 a.m.!! Here is what we saw on the way...

Got back home from that drive and just had time to get ready for our RS Breakfast for the July birthday girls. (Being in the Presidency has it's perks!) I went over a little early to help - but also to just be with some grownups in a clean house! Doesn't this look good? Sorry to put that in the same post as the dirty feet - but you can see why I needed the break!

Saturday was also the RS Scrapbook Day at the chapel. I was sure I was going to be the only one for awhile, but eventually some showed up. We had a total of seven sisters who just worked and chatted. It was nice to just sit in the cool, air conditioned chapel and play with my Cricut. Ahhh... peace at last!

Best Part of My Weekend - Relaxing with grownups in clean places.

Worst Part of My Weekend - Cleaning up the mess after the part timers left Sunday night. :( :( :(

Three Things I'm Grateful For

  1. Air conditioning!!
  2. Peaceful moments to myself.
  3. Everyone is home and safe.
  4. Extra one!! The carpet installer just arrived!! yay!!

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