What I Believe

I'm a stay at home mom. I love crafting and reading and I'm a Mormon.

I am fortunate enough to stay at home with my children because I am a foster parent. We have eight children altogether - 3 the hard way, 3 wedding presents and 2 foster children. This is no easy job - believe me! But it is worth every minute. 
How I live my faith
Currently I serve at church by creating the monthly newsletter for our women's organization. This is one of my favorite jobs as it allows me to use some of my creativity to make something beautiful to share with others. 

I also serve as a coordinator within the women's organization. I help assign women to make sure every sister in our ward is visited on a monthly basis. We call this "Visiting Teaching" as there is a short lesson given during each visit. 

I was born into a Mormon family. I relied heavily on my parents testimonies when I was younger. I suppose I didn't gain my own testimony until I was in my late teens. A series of wrong choices led me away for a time, but I always knew that happiness would not be found without the gospel. 

When I returned to full activity in the church, I found peace. My life is not perfect, and I still have many challenges - but I am working on them with His help. I know where my life is headed. I know that I am not alone with my challenges. I know that following God's plan for me will keep me happy. 

Absolutely! Christians, by definition, are believers of and in Christ."Mormon" is simply a nickname for our church.The full name of our church is The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.Christ is at the very head of our organization and we follow his teachings.

Personal Stories

 I was eight years old when I was baptized. I remember the day as incredibly special. I'd been waiting for as long as I can remember to turn eight so that I could be baptized. 

I remember that just before my baptism, my parents gave me my own copy of the Book of Mormon. My mother wrote a simple testimony in the front of the book. I still have that copy today. 

My father performed the baptism and confirmation. I remember feeling so special that day! It was one of the happiest in my memory.