We have over 200 cable channels - and nothing worth watching is on. We have video games, which appears to be a great source of contention and name calling. Note on this one - girls are not nearly as interested in participating in this one as the boys are - at least at our house. The bikes are sitting outside, ready for use and no one wants to use them. Sigh...
How many more weeks until camp #2 takes place??!!
Yesterday we spent a grand total of 3 hours in Urgent Care! 3 hours people!! For a toe!! V bumped it (he doesn't know on what) and cut it open. It looked worse than I could bandage up so we took him in. This system has got to change!
First you have to STAND IN LINE for triage. Hello! If you are sick or injured, how can you stand and wait your turn??!! And since we had blood dripping all over the place, shouldn't we have taken precedence over the headache person??!!
Once someone has assessed you, you get to sit in a waiting room until you are called to be "admitted". Then you get to sit and wait until a bed is available. By this point we've been in there for a half hour already.
We get called into a room and wait who knows how long before a nurse shows up!!! Good luck on the stitches if you need them - we've already started the healing process by now!
We wait another 20 minutes for a doctor to show up. She spends a grand total of 1 minute looking at his toe, decides no stitches (no kidding!) but wants him bandaged up before we leave. Wait another 20 minutes for the nurse to come back.
They bring a big bowl of water and want him to soak his filthy foot in it. By this time, I'm losing it! Too bad - we can't leave until it gets bandaged up and that's not going to happen until he soaks his foot. THEN we have to wait for the ortho specialist to come wrap him up!
Countdown has begun for our Atlanta trip. Kids and sitters are all lined up. Packing has begun and the tickets are waiting at the airport. I've always wanted to see the deep south US and this may be my one and only chance! Woo hoo! We're taking the camera so hope to have oodles of pics to show when we get back.
That's also when we start phase two of the painting projects in the basement... back to work...
Best part of my day - Sleeping in until 9:00 a.m.! I never get to do this! :)
Worst part of my day - Picking up my mother at the airport at 1:00 a.m. (Why I got to sleep until 9:00 a.m.)
Three things I'm grateful for -