Friday, September 25, 2009

Hurray for Friday!

I've turned into a bad blogger!!

It's not that there hasn't been plenty going on in our ever crazy household - I've just not had the time to blog.

Ok - that's not even true...

I've just not had the motivation.

There! I said it!

I've not been motivated to write about all the weird, unexplainable, hilarious things that happen in our daily lives. It gets a little overwhelming sometimes to try and keep track of it all, and so I confess I haven't.

On top of everything that we do in our family, I've been dealing with a business situation that rapidly got out of control. I was so excited at someone new signing up in my business, and then when things started to turn - I wasn't exactly sure how to handle it. The big wigs in the company got involved. They had to! To make a long story short - lines were crossed and decisions were made and I no longer have a new jeweller. I'm disappointed about it but I think it was for the best.

Remember people!

Be nice and don't blame others when you don't understand something!

Wait... this is good advice for my family too...

I may just make that one out of vinyl and stick it on our front door! Ha!

And it might work as well as the other vinyl signs I've made -


We had a birthday this week too. Did you hear that I now have a TWENTY YEAR OLD SON?? I can't believe it either! How did this happen? When did he get to be a foot taller than me?? I love you Bryce and want you to know that I'm very proud of the person you have become!

On Tuesday we had the chance to summarize what we learned in Atlanta for our Foster Agency. Because he suffers from severe stage fright - you can bet that DH was super grateful that the people ahead of us took up so much time with their amazing presentation! I was so enthralled with the 72 hour kits, that I didn't want them to end either. Turns out our scheduled 40 minute presentation was more like 7 minutes - and he didn't have to do anything but nod his head in agreement. Whoo hoo!!

Anyway, with everything that we've had going on all week - I decided today would be a good day for me to do something for me! I'm heading on down to a craft show at the Roundup Centre to look at things no one else in my family enjoys... and I will be happy!

Except that I have to take the boys...

...which means there will be whining...

...and complaining...


Maybe I can distract them by having them try and help me find new things to put on their birthday invitations next month! There's the plan!

And after I clean the house, get the bags of clothes to the clothing exchange, attend all my meetings on Saturday, look after whatever arguments break out amongst the children, and go to church... I can relax in my craft room...

HAHAHAAA!!! Sometimes I crack me up...

Three Things I'm Grateful For -
  1. That I get to stay home to look after my family. I'm not sure how I'd be able to handle all we have to do and go to work too!
  2. For a church calling that helps me see a bigger picture. I've learned so much working with the wonderful Sisters that I do. I love all of you!
  3. For my family... despite all my complaining, they are amazing and I love them to pieces!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Small Hero

V came home from school yesterday and told me that he saw a "scary guy" starting a fire in the alley. I went a looked right away, but didn't see anything. A few minutes later though, I saw the smoke rising!

We called the fire department right away and V got to tell his story. They put us through to the police and he got to tell the story again.

When they asked if he could tell them what the man looked like, he replied, "SCARY!" Not a great description. LOL!

The firetruck came and I'm sure they just kicked some dirt around, because they didn't even pull the hose off the truck.

Didn't matter to us. V was a hero in my book! He had done exactly what we have taught him to do. See a crime and report it. Very proud of my little guy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering Today...

I am Canadian - but I remember with my US friends and family.

I remember exactly where I was when I heard what was happening, and what was said.

It was a very somber day at work that day. My boss wouldn't let me leave to be with my children.

All the planes were being grounded across North America, and the skyscrapers in downtown Calgary were being evacuated.

Many people went to the airport to help those passengers who were stranded and hungry because they were no where near their destinations.

We watched the reruns for hours, days - maybe weeks afterward.

I called my father in Utah to tell him that the US was at war. He wasn't awake yet when I called him - and he was a little disoriented. He had access to a TV - I didn't. He gave me a play by play for a few minutes before I had to hang up.

A fellow blogger posted this tribute to her blog this morning. You can see it here or below.

God bless us all...

Three things I'm grateful for:

  1. The freedom we enjoy here. Many take this for granted - but we enjoy it all the same.
  2. My family is safe and all with me.
  3. Knowledge... let's not repeat this episode in history.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

School's In and I'm Still Busy!!

I can't believe that the kids have been back in school for almost a week!

I've got two in two schools this year and their timetables do NOT mesh!

Both schools are a stones throw from the house. Both school share a field - sort of... but one starts at 8:20 and the other does not start until 9:00 a.m!! I spend my mornings and afternoons running back and forth between these schools to get the boys there and back again - and it is not fun!

However, both boys were super stoked to get back to school. No really! Even if it doesn't show here...

T gets to attend the brand new school this fall. It is the first time in a very long time that the boys have not attended school together - and if it weren't for the time difference, it would be awesome all the way around!

I'm still waiting for the "routine" part to settle back in... alas, it's been one of "those" weeks already. Errands, dentists, doctors and kid stuff... trying to get back to the gym routine, etc. It's hard to do! Especially when we've had such fantastic weather!

I've had to make a few sympathy cards this week too. A childhood friend of mine lost her brother on Saturday. I don't know the details - just that it was sudden. Really sad. He was just older than me and leaves behind a wife and two kids. I think I'm going to pull out my journal from when I was a teenager and refresh my memory on some of the great adventures we all had together. I like to remember the happy times. I'll take those memories with me to the funeral on Friday.

My mother's co-worker lost a grand-baby this morning too... They think it was SIDS. Poor little thing was only 4 months old. Tragic week...

Three things I'm Grateful For -
  1. My family is all well and healthy.
  2. My knowledge that this life is not the end...