Friday, March 19, 2010

This Simply Won't Do!

This once a month posting has got to stop! I think about it all the time, but I've been involved in so much over the past month, that it's been hard to find the time.

There has been a lot of training to attend lately. Admittedly, some of it was voluntary - but all of it was educational. D only joined me for one of the multi-day courses - theraputic crisis intervention - and we learned so much! I've also attended conferences on FASD and Digital Storytelling. Lots and lots to learn and I love it!

There has been quite a bit to do with the boys lately too. I think that the onset of spring has something to do with that. Everyone seems to get busier as it starts to get lighter and warmer outside. We all went to see T in his play at school this week. He had a small part - but he did it so well! Here are some of my favorite shots from "The Hobbit".

Smaug the Dragon

Captured by Spiders

The Great War

It was fun to watch finally, because it had been a six month production to get in place! Of course we had to sit through the Grade 7 band concert before the play. Ahhh.... memories of the honking and squeaking that pass for music. I loved Grade 7 band when I was there - but at the time - I'd had no idea how it must have sounded to the parents. Grade 8 band was better - and I remember those days too. I'm hopeful that the boys will want to take some music when they are old enough - and I'll go endure Grade 7 band concerts again. 

Yesterday was our 4th Wedding Anniversary. I seriously can't believe how the time has flown! We've come such a long way in so little time - and yet - still so much to learn about each other. We spent a great night having dinner at Olive Garden. We were going to see a movie - but we both ate too much - so just came home instead. It was so nice to be out just the two of us! I love you, Honey! 

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