I got to be one of the judges for the Halloween Costume contests. E won for the "funniest". (I declared a conflict of interest on that one and stayed out of the voting!)


The next morning I got to go to another great Relief Society Birthday Breakfast. I was there officially in two categories - as a member of the RS Presidency and as a girl with an October Birthday! It was a great breakfast and came with some even better company!
Then we were into November. Now half of that is gone and I'm still wondering where it has gone to. Ever have one of those months where it just flys by and you know you were busy - just not sure about what it was you were busy doing? Me too!
I know we've been to a viewing at the funeral home, Rememberance Day activities at school, looking after other kids.
T had a huge medical scare and we spent some time running to doctors to figure it all out. Turns out it wasn't as serious as originally thought - but it gave us a scare for a little bit of time there. I'm sure this one took up most of my worrying hours. I prayed so much for him through this one. I think everything will be fine now though. Prayer works!
We're gearing up to head into the Christmas Season now. I'd love to do another cookie exchange like we did last year. It was so much fun to just sit and visit with friends and neighbours. I need a little bit of time like that these days.
Three Things I'm Grateful For
T is really okay. Big scare but he'll be fine.
Freedom - I love Rememberance Day. It is such a great chance to show respect for those who have fought for our freedom. I honor those brave men and women.
My husband... he's been very good to me!
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